Transforming Energy for America
Alternative Fuel

The alternative fuel industry is experiencing significant growth as countries reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and invest in cleaner energy. Alternative fuels such as biofuels, synthetic fuels, and hydrogen are created with renewable resources and low-carbon production methods. Transformers play an important role in powering the infrastructure required for the production, distribution, and utilization of alternative fuels.
They serve as Generator Step-Up (GSU) to step up the voltages at different stages. All wind generators need a Pad Mount Transformer at its base, or Nacelle, for the first stage step-up and then collectively stepping up on each WTG output feeds a collector Main Power Transformer (MPT) that finally boosts the voltage to connect with the transmission grid. Virginia-Georgia Transformer makes both the liquid-filled pad mount which we catalogue as E2X and the Collector Main Power Transformers (MPT) that are powering several wind farms effectively. The pad mounts are custom designed and built to suit the unique onerous dynamic and harmonic loads of the wind energy generation characteristics and assure against hot spots and gassing.
Power collector transformers right up to 500 MVA / 525 kV serve the sub stations at many wind farms.